Captain's Report - November 2018
Venue:West Hove Golf ClubDate: 14th November 2018
Sponsors:Darren Wetherill - DW Group Ltd
Total Playing:27
Div 1 (H/C 0 - 20)
Winner:Clive Mullerwith 42 points off 10 H/C
Runner-Up:Nick Kerlywith 39 points of 17 H/C
Div 2 (H/C 21 - 28)
Winner:Darren Wetherillwith 41 points off 26 H/C in C/B
Runner-Up:James Rhodeswith 38 points off 24 H/C
Nearest the Pin in 2:Winner:Clive Muller
2's Competition:Winner:Tony Harding
Longest Drive:WinnerDuncan Lower
Les Lockyer TrophyWinner:Clive Muller
Under 50 CupWinner:Clive Muller
Over 50 CupWinner:Steve Napperwith 37 points off 18 H/C
Captain's ChoiceEd PetersFor services to the society