Captain's Report - July 2015
Venue:The Dyke Golf ClubDate: 8th July 2015
Total Playing:20
Guests:Dec Burtenshaw, David Chitty and Steve Napper
New Members:None
Div 1 (H/C 0 - 20)
Winner:Clive Mullerwith 35 points off 11 H/C
Runner-Up:Mark Busswith 33 points of 18 H/C
Div 2 (H/C 21 - 28)
Winner:Peter Coshamwith 30 points off 25 H/C
Runner-Up:Malcolm Littlewith 29 points off 22 H/C
Longest Drive:Winner:Nick Kerly
Nearest the Pin:Winner:Richard Collins
Guest Cup:Winner:David Chittywith 32 points off 28 H/C
2's Competition:'Winner:Richard Collins