Captain's Report - August 2014
Venue:Worthing Golf ClubDate: 14th August 2014
Sponsors:Maine-Manwaring - Andy Prager
Total Playing:39
Guests:Dave Vercoe, Richard Goble, David Quirk, Feargal Woods, John Burgon, Howard Lloyd, Mark Brumfit, Tony Morgan, Giles Govier, Andy Chin Chin, Aaron Sonatun and Richard Fernly
New Members:
Div 1 (H/C 0 - 21)
Winner:Nick Kerlywith 34 points off 18 H/C
Runner-Up:Simon Joneswith 33 points of 16 H/C
Div 2 (H/C 22 - 28)
Winner:Peter Coshamwith 36 points off 25 H/C
Runner-Up:Nick Mulcahywith 32 points off 24 H/C
Longest Drive:Winner:Scott Holden
Nearest the Pin:Winner:Nick Mulcahy
Guest Prize:Winner:John Burgenwith 37 points off 11 H/C
2's Competition:Winner:Dave Porter and Richard Fernly
70's CupWinner:Horry Hemsleywith 22 points off 21 H/C